Spring 2009 Newsletter
DrCleland is pleased to announce the early success of the 2009 "Health & Wellness Presentations" that have take place so far this year. In February, we were introduced to the latest in Nutritional Beverages featuring Lisa Tsiropolous and Shawn Lyons presenting Mona Vie.
In March, we were treated to Judy Thompson presenting "Brain Gym", which is a functional methodology of training the brain via strategic movements assisted by mental focus.
Check back soon to see when the next "Health & Wellness Presentation" will be taking place at Synergy Chiropractic & Sports Therapy.
DrCleland is also pleased to announce the introduction of his second "Core Essentials" class at Fitness World. The Enhanced Program Core Essentials class will be offered starting March 30th at 6:30 pm. A five session pass is available at the front desk for a cost of $ 59 plus tax. The Original Core Essentials class will continue to be offered Monday nights from 7:30 pm until 8:45 pm. This class will continue to be offered free of charge to members and at a $10 drop in fee to non-members of Fitness World.
Winter 2009 Newletter
DrCleland is excited to announce the opening of his new Downtown Clinic;
" Synergy Chiropractic and Sports Therapy "
It is located in the Burrard Health Centre at 1160 Burrard street. Suite 404.
# 404 - 1160 Burard Street
2009 Planning
DrCleland would like to encourage you to take the opportunity to assess your health goals early in 2009. Part of ensuring that you are actively, optimizing your health in 2009 includes scheduling regular "tune-ups". DrCleland would like to suggest scheduling your 2009 appointments ahead of time to ensure your monthly appointments today.
Email and Address Updates
In order to communicate with you better it is important that you keep us in the loop with regards to your current email and contact address. Please take a minute to email us your current details to info@drcleland.com .
Please include Email, Address, and Phone Number.