Cranial Therapy

The human skull is comprised of 13 bones that are joined together with sutures (puzzle-like structures). Although the sutures cannot be pulled apart, the bones in the skull can be knocked out of their proper alignment. Misalignment of the bones in the skull interferes with the nerve and blood supply
passing through the foramen (hole) in the base of the skull, which in turn affects the normal neurological transmissions to and from the brain. The skull can put direct pressure on the brain and produce excess intra-cranial pressure, which interferes with the distribution of nutrients and decreases the amount of oxygen available to the brain. Pain and alterations in function are a direct result.

Head Injuries
Anyone who has suffered trauma to the head needs to be examined for skull bone misalignments. The onset of your health problem(s) may be the result of an injury to the head, even if the health issues seem unrelated. If you beginning to experience seemingly unrelated and inexplicable health problems after a head injury, you should have a skull examination immediately.

Birthing Trauma
Skull misalignments can also occur during the birthing process. The position of the baby's head inside the mother, and instrumentation such as forceps, suction, and vacuum extractors are all common causative factors.

Head injuries also result from falls when learning to walk, falling off the change table or bed, and falling down the stairs. Blows to the head with instruments such as a swings, baseball bats, baseballs, shovels, punches, kicks, or hockey sticks cause problems. Sports injuries and car accidents cause most of the head injuries in older people. In fact, many of the patients seen at our clinics have suffered lifelong health problems because they were never aware of their birthing trauma.

Cranial adjusting can benefit anyone who is currently afflicted with:
ADD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, Premature Aging, Asthma, Headaches, Post Concussion Syndrome, Allergies, Learning Difficulties, Seizures, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Sports injuries, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Dyslexia, PDD.

Post-Concussion Syndrome
This is an excellent example of what happens when a head injury is not corrected. The injury to the head is sufficient enough to cause temporary unconsciousness in some cases. The patient survives but has many acute symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, speech difficulties, memory lapses, brain fog, emotional irregularities, decreased reflexes, altered coordination, and behaviour changes.If the cranial subluxations that resulted from the head injury are not corrected these symptoms persist and become chronic, causing a life time of pain, emotional roller-coastering, cognitive disorders and cognitive difficulties resulting in a sub-standard level of life and health.

Chiropractors have been able to help most of these patients, but if the skull is not realigned the conditions are never totally corrected.

Cranial Adjusting Turner Style (C.A.T.S.)

C.A.T.S. is a unique cranial adjusting technique designed to detect and correct cranial misalignments. The technique includes over 86 different adjusting procedures that are unlike any other cranial technique. C.A.T.S. is not light touch or time sensitive in application. The results, however, are truly amazing. Dr. Cleland utilizes this technique for correcting cranial misalignments by combining a number of disciplines for maximum results. The skilled hands of Dr. Cleland can detect misalignments in seconds and realign the bones with precision and care.

Craniosacral therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on method of treating the nervous system by influencing the bones and membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. This treatment works around the most central part of the nervous system to affect all other bodily functions and is a great way to reduce stress and strain.

Restrictions in the membrane system may be caused by physical trauma, stress (chemical or emotional), or repetitive strains. These disruptions are detected by a change in the CranioSacral Rhythm, which is produced by the steady production and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the skull.

As a CranioSacral therapist, Dr. Cleland is trained to localize areas of restriction and reduce tension with gentle pressure on specific cranial points. He then follows the body through its process of self-correction until a steady, symmetrical, and strong CranioSacral Rhythm is detected. Patients often testify to increased mental clarity and improved mood after only one treatment!


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